Black Flag Running Club’s Covid Community Guidelines.
- If you are feeling ill or have signs of a fever at or above 100.4, a cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or any symptoms of COVID-19 we request that you stay home. We ask that you remain home and not participate in any club activates for a minimum period of 3 days after the fever is no longer present. If systems persist we advise you to self-isolate for a period of 10-14 days or a medical professional has cleared you to participate in group runs. Please also notify the Black Flag Running Club Leadership team at if you present symptoms so we can monitor contract tracing.
- We require that all participants wear facial coverings prior to exiting your vehicle and keep the facial covering in place during all announcements, warm-ups, and cooldowns. You may remove your face covering while on your run. However, upon returning to the starting location we request you reposition your face covering to cover your nose and mouth. Individuals not wearing a face mask will be asked to not participate in the group runs.
- Maintain a minimum six-foot distance from your fellow runners the entire time you are onsite for our runs this included announcement, warmups, cold downs, and during the runs.
- Do Not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
- Use your elbow when pressing the buttons for pedestrian crossings.
- Refrain from the use of public drinking fountains when possible and we encourage individuals to carry hydration with you during our runs.
- We have currently suspended the use of the printed maps, holding your keys, holding jackets, and aid stations.
Run with Black Flag Running Club for FREE!
As you know everything being up in the air as gyms remain close and the 2020-2021 race season on hold due to Covid makes it difficult to plan and obviously train. While these plans remain up in the air we will be moving to a FREE model where anyone that wants to come out is free to come run with us. We understand that in these interesting times that many people have been financially impacted and we want to do our part to help you be healthy and stay active while Gyms are closed and races cancelled. We will post on Social Media once a week where we will be meeting. Make sure you join the social media listed below to stay on top of whats going on. Once races are reset we will return to the more formal training approach hoping by October but we will see. Hope to see you at our next run.
Instagram @blackflagrunningclub
Black Flag Running Club – Facebook page (like and follow)
Black Flag Running Club – Facebook group (join and follow)
We ask that if you do come out for one of our runs that you follow the Community Guidelines.