Winter 2021-22 - Week 4 (Sat)


SATURDAY @ 7:15am - SHELTER ISLAND to Hilton Bayfront Hotel





    I am expecting a lighter group this weekend as I know we had a lot of people traveling but for those of us making it out tomorrow we will have a great run planned for you from Shelter Island to Seaport Village. If you are not making this weekend run with the club you will want to get in the miles on your own. The Saturday long runs are the most important runs on the schedule. If we want to be ready for the races, we need to follow the long run schedule sand or stay on top of the interval schedule. If you’re having challenges with that, please speak with your coaches so we can discuss how we might want to switch up our training or calibrate our goals.

     As we continue our training, the long runs should still be challenging but by week 4-6 the level of discomfort on the runs should start to feel a little lighter than it was in week 1. Your body is starting to adapt to the stresses you are putting on it. This means we are improving which is a good thing. Keep up the good work and looking forward to everyone adding on the miles for these long runs over the next few weeks.  

    Facebook Group

    I have received a lot of requested to create a Facebook Group Page which will allow members the opportunity to communicate, share their successes and post anything else you want to. Although the group is public, I will only be accepting the request from members or alumni. Please keep details related to specific locations of runs or happy hours, one the "down low."  You can click on the Facebook Group icon above or search for "Black Flag Running Club Group." 

     More social media & future sponsorship  


    We are always scouting out new opportunities to improve the club and bring new benefits to our members. As I am sure you can imagine our social media presence is particularly important to potential sponsors. If you are so inclined we would love to have you follow up on our social media channels, tags us and use some of our hashtags: #BlackFlagRunningClub and @BlackFlagRunningClub. Every post helps. Thank you in advance for your help in building the next big thing to hit San Diego's running community.  .

    New Runners?  Keep up the Base!

    For new runners, Week 4 starts the next level in getting through the "base" building phase and may be the hardest challenge for some since the mileage increasing while your bodies and minds are still getting wrapped around this whole training thing.  Keep your spirits high, your runs easy and stick to the program of getting your prescribed runs completed.

    Trust me, after this base building session, it WILL become easier, even though you'll be running further.  Again, if you follow the training schedules and advice and make it out 4x per week, you WILL make it!  I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH - THE FIRST 6-8 WEEKS ARE MOST IMPORTANT, AND IF YOU CAN MAKE IT TO THAT POINT, YOUR CHANCE OF ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS INCREASES TREMENDOUSLY.

    Knee Pain?

    If you are starting to feel some knee pain, I think this week article will be extremely insightful. Knee Pain and Runner’s knee – one of the popular runner’s injuries.  Learn More - Click.

    This Week’s Training

    We are entering week 4 of the training program.  Some of you may be feeling some aches and pains which is totally normal and expected. It will be important to decipher between aches/pains and an injury.  For most of us, we will be continuing the EZ paced runs and then finish with a 10k Time Trial run on Saturday.

    • Run/Walkers - No changes this week.  A=3/2, B=4/6.  Don’t forget, most noobie interval runners Walk too slow and Run too fast during their intervals.
    • Intermediate Runners – STILL, nothing new this week.  Keep all of your runs solid, but Easy in nature.  You are building that Base/Foundation and have plenty of time to do it.  If you have to take a walk break every once in while, that’s fine!
    • PR Chassers  – Cutting back slightly this week in response to our “Recovery Week”.   Nothing special on Tuesday

    Once again, after our group chat, we will be breaking off to our Individual Groups - just listen for the announcements.  Each Coach will review in general the overall approach.

    Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

    Below are the run maps* and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.

    Saturday @ 7:15am - Shelter Island to Hilton Bayfront Hotel

    Enjoy the water's edge and Marina District along Shelter Island all the way to downtown, through Seaport Village and towards the Hilton Bay front Hotel to your turnaround point.  Add on Ash Street + 6th ave for a hill, or add-on Harbor Island for flat mileage.

    o   Add-on: Fast Harbor Island, 3.25mi -

    o   Add-on: Hilly Ash & 6th St Hill, 3.5mi -


    We'll usually arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, whatever.  We also plan to stay afterwards for as long as it takes to do the same.  This means I'll be at Tuesday runs around 6:00 PM and the Saturday runs at 7:00 AM.

    Please let us know if you have questions.

    See you all this week!


    Aaron Adragna



    This is where we will meet on Tuesday and/or Saturday. Don’t get lost :)


    Shelter Island, Shoreline Park / Fishing Pier

    1720 Shelter Island Dr, San Diego, CA 92101

    Will meet in the SW end of the fishing pier parking lot, which is about 1/2 way down the Island (heading South).  Please refrain from parking along the West side of the parking lot near the Pier & Store.

    *NOTE  – between 11/1 and 3/31 the restroom at this parking lot is closed for the winter. There is a restroom at the other end of the Park just under a 1/4 mile away (you can easily walk/jog from our lot) and there is also a restroom at Fanuel Park which is about 1 mile into the run.  Keep this in mind if you find yourself having to go to the restroom as you near the parking area before the run.