Tuesday 6:15pm @ Liberty Station (new location)
Saturday @ 7:15 am - Road Runner Sports (Solana Beach) - NEW RUN
- Meet: Road Runner Sports - Solana Beach: 211 N Hwy 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075 (see details below)
- Clinic: 8:45 / 9AM am Running Shoes & Shoe-Fit by
Hey runners! We had an awesome second week and it ended with a great run from Bonita Cove to Crown Point. We are keeping registration open for 2 more days because as you would guess this morning I received several emails asking if it was to late to join. We looking strong with a bunch of new runners, I can tell already its going to be a fun year.
Watch the Weather & Recovery Aide
Just a quick reminder...especially for the newer runners... brings warm clothes with you to the Tuesday night runs as it gets cooler as the sun goes down! You can leave them behind when you go out. Also, bring some RECOVERY DRINK and AIDE for after the group runs. The first 30 minutes post-run are most important for re-hydration, and you should plan to eat your first 'healthy' meal within 2 hours. (We’ll be talking more about aide, nutrition and recovery as we progress).
It's dark on Tuesdays
With the time change upon us it will be dark out on our Tuesday runs. It would be a good idea to start bringing a headlamp with you if you have one. Below is a link for a few they range between $20 to $40 bucks.
This Week’s Training
We are off and running in Week 3, so plan your runs based on the training schedule, the link is at the top of the post. The training program calls for 4-5 days per week, so don't feel obliged to get a "great workout" on every single run. It is the long haul that counts!
As we reviewed in more detail Saturday at the clinic, for newer runners or those coming off a long break, the first 6-8 weeks are THE MOST IMPORTANT for your training. This is the time period when you make gains physically, mentally and physiologically!
Week 3 is approaching the funky time when your body starts to really wonder what is going on? Start to listen more closely to those aches and pains to ensure they’re not injuries. With that, do remember that you will get aches and pains so don’t worry - the key is to recognize when they get a bit more serious. Be sure to read the e-article on Shin Splints, the link is above under Articles.
- Run/Walkers – Week 3 is our first of many Interval changes, going up to a 3/2 or 4/6 interval (for the 11 week/Carlsbad half marathon runners only. As I discussed quickly on Saturday, keep in mind that most noobie interval runners walk too slow and Run too fast during their intervals. So speed up the walking, and slow down the running.
- Intermediate Runners – Nothing new this week. Keep all of your runs solid, but Easy in nature. You are building that Base/Foundation and have plenty of time to do it. If you have to take a walk break every once in awhile, that’s fine!
- PR Chasers – We will do our first INTERVAL run on Tuesday with a 2mi WU + 3x1mi @10k RP w/ 1:00RJ. What’s that? We will explain better at the run.
Once again, after our group chat, we will be breaking off to our Individual Groups - just listen for the announcements. Each Coach will review in general the overall approach. We will do the same on Saturday.
Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics
Below are the run maps* and the group run locations. At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.
Tuesday 6:15pm @ Liberty Station
Saturday @ 7:15 am - Road Runner Sports - NEW Location
- Meet: Road Runner Sports - Solana Beach: 211 N Hwy 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075 (see details below)
New Location & New Run: This Saturday's run will be in a new location for the club and a completely new course. More details will be out on Friday but in an effort to keep the season new and exciting for the alumni runners we try and mix thing up when we can.
*Shoe Discount at Road Runner Sports, 20% on Saturday!
We’re holding our Shoe Clinic at Road Runner Sports this weekend. We’ll be raffling off some goodies and a FREE pair of shoes too. This means that we will learn about shoes, and then get to shop in their store for an extra 10% off the usual 10% off, meaning we get 20% off (on Saturday only)
NOTE: Please note that when I send Map Links, the runs MAY contain mileage further than your prescribed run. Please refer to your training schedule for the correct mileage. This is so I can use one map for many different mileages.
As Always
We'll usually arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, whatever. We also plan to stay afterwards for as long as it takes to do the same. This means I'll be at Tuesday runs around 5:45 PM and the Saturday runs at 7:15 AM.
Please let us know if you have questions.
Talk to you all soon,
Aaron Adragna
Detailed Meeting Locations
This is where we will meet on Tuesday and/or Saturday. Don’t get lost :)
Bonita Cove Park
Bonita Cove Park 907 W Mission Bay Dr San Diego CA 92109 – Upon entering the parking lot head to the most western side of the lot. There is plenty of parking and we will congregate across the street near the water. Please use the crosswalk and use caution when crossing the street.
Road Runner Sports (Solana Beach Store)
211 N Hwy 101, Solana Beach, San Diego, CA 92111
Plenty of parking, in the neighborhood behind the store or you could park at the train station and walk over. Keep an eye on street signs as some of the parking directly in front of the store is regulated. DO NOT park in any stalls marked accordingly with signage, markings or cones. Keep in mind the store is open from 9am – 8pm daily but they are letting us in early for the bathrooms.