Winter 2019 - Week 6 (12/3/2019)



  • Meet: Belmont Park - 3099 Ocean Front walk San Diego CA 92109 Click 
  • Map: Belmont Park (to Tourmaline St / 40 min) Click
  • CORE Workout @ 6pm
  • Happy Hour: The Draft South Mission







 Hey everyone,

We had an awesome run on Saturday! I was definitely excited to see everyone out for our long run! We have another exciting week planned.  We have one of our most popular runs coming up on Saturday from Crown Point to La Jolla. Following the run, we will head over to Crown Point Coffee.

Coffee with Friends 

This Saturday after we finish up we will head over to Crown Point Coffee only a few blocks away. The place next door also has amazing Acai Bowl with peanut butter. If you haven’t had them before you are in for a treat.

See you there:

Crown Point Coffee

3510 Ingraham St

San Diego 92109     



All the details for the upcoming Holiday Social can be found at the attached link.  (CLICK)

This is an open event so please feel free to invite out a friend out.

Please confirm if you are going:


Event: Black Flag Running Club - Holiday Social and Ugly Sweater Party 

Date:  Saturday, December 14

Time:  7:15 pm

Location:  Trailerpark After Dark                                      (835 Ffith Ave San Diego CA 92101

Details:   Bring a friend and wear an ugly sweater. 


Holiday Schedule- Moving our run to Monday, 12/23

As I mentioned last week, given that Christmas Eve falls on a Tuesday we are moving the Tuesday run to Monday that week: Monday, 12/23/2019 at 6:15 pm, S. Mission Boardwalk.

This Week’s Training

We are in week 6 of the training program and week 2 of the Second Cycle.  Everything is continuing to build, primarily with Saturday’s long run.

For new runners, or people returning after a long hiatus, these “middle” weeks can appear to be the hardest as the “SUCK Factor” (SF) can get pretty high.  This is because the runs (and overall weekly mileage) are getting longer each week, all while still building the base foundation. Don’t worry, keep your runs easy in nature, and stick with the program and you’ll soon reach that magic tipping point.  


Specific training notes are:

  • Run//Walkers – No Change this week.  Keep your walks brisk, yet runs slow to keep that SF down!  Remember change from last week, Mondays are now INT and not WALK.
  •  Intermediate Runners – No changes this week.  Keep your runs solid and generally easy in nature.  Keep up the frequency 4x per week!
  •   PR Chasers – Solid steady state runs Mon, Wed.  Tempo on Thur. Saturday’s long run up to 13 miles with a combo E10+LT3.  Pushing near 40 miles this week!  (Max out at 44 during week 10)

Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

Below are the run maps and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.


Tuesday @ 6:15 pm Belmont Park

Starting at the South parking lot at Belmont Park and run north for 40 min or to Tourmaline St. You will likely run past the pier and up to Law Street beach area and follow the sidewalk to Tourmaline. This is an Out & Back Run.

  • Meet: Belmont Park - 3099 Ocean Front walk San Diego CA 92109 Click 
  • Map: Belmont Park (to Tourmaline St / 40 min) Click
  • Headlamp is recommended
  • Happy Hour: The Draft


Saturday @ 7:15 am - To La Jolla Cove (from Crown Point)

From Crown Point, head North around Sail Bay to the ocean and head North into La Jolla along the beautiful “bike path” and neighborhood of La Jolla.  It’s an Out & Back, so turn around where your schedules tells you, but you can easily get all the way to the Cove for a 15mi run, or the Shores, and further if you wish.

As Always

We usually arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, etc...  We also plan to stay afterwards for as long as it takes to do the same.  This means I'll be at Tuesday runs by 5:45 PM and the Saturday runs by 7:15 AM.


Please let us know if you have questions.


See ya out there!


Coach Aaron


Detailed Meeting Locations

This is where we will meet on Tuesday and/or Saturday:


Belmont Park South Parking Lot

3099 Ocean Front Walk San Diego CA 92109

This is the south parking lot of Belmont Park and we will meet in the grassy area on the south end of the parking lot.  Click 

Crown Point Shores Park (Southern Lot)

3550 Crown Point Drive, San Diego, CA 92109 -  (Address is not exact)

We'll meet at the Southern end of the most Southern parking lot in the grass area along the edge of the lot, closest to Ingram Street bridge.  Plenty of parking lot parking. There is a set of restrooms and water fountains in this end too.

*NOTE – between 11/1 and 3/31 the restroom at this parking lot is closed for the winter. There is a restroom at the other end of the Park just under a 1/4 mile away (you can easily walk/jog from our lot) and there is also a restroom at Fanuel Park which is about 1 mile into the run.  Keep this in mind if you find yourself having to go to the restroom as you near the parking area before the run.