Spring 2022 - Week 3 (Tue)


Tuesday @ 6:15 pm - De Anza Cove, Mission Bay

Saturday 7:15am @ Liberty Station 

  • Meet: Liberty Station: 2753 Cushing Rd San Diego CA 92106 CLICK 
  • Map: CLICK
  • Map SD Half: CLICK





Hey runners!  

We had a great second week as we’re getting up to speed with the group. We were set to close registrations last night but after speaking to a few people we are going to leave it open for one more week for any straggler or friends that didn't make the deadline.

You will also notice we are running in the same location this week  and although the path is similar for many of you if you are training for the SD Half we will be sending you out on an alternative course for Saturdays run. 

After this week we will start moving around to the different locations. I promise, It will not always be in the same spot.   

$10 throwback swag


Lets talk shirts.......... As part of your registration everyone will get a team shirt to wear on our training days and on race day. We will be placing this order soon and it will take a few week to to print. 

However in the interim, I have a bunch of swag from back in the day and will have it available on Saturday for purchase. $10 bucks and you pick what you want. It will be organized by size and type for your to pick out what you want. No obligation but it will be ready for you.     

Watch the Weather & Recovery Aide

Especially for the newer runners... bring some warm clothes with you to the Tuesday night runs (It gets a bit chilly as it nears sundown.)  You can leave them behind when you go out.  Also, bring some RECOVERY DRINK and AIDE for after the group runs.  The first 30 minutes post-run are most important for re-hydration, and you should plan to eat your first 'healthy' meal within 2 hours.  (We’ll be talking more about aide, nutrition and recovery as we progress.) This isn’t as crucial on our mid-week runs as it is on our longer, Saturday runs of >90min.

This Week’s Training

We are off and running in Week 3 overall.  This is the 3rd week of the first of four training Cycles.

For NEWER Runners - As we reviewed in detail on Saturday, the first 6-8 weeks are THE MOST IMPORTANT for your training as we are BUILDING A BASE.  This is the time period when you make gains Physically, Mentally and Physiologically!  For newer runners, make it to week 8 and you're golden!!  You’ll also hear me say it often, but if you can make it through the first 8 weeks, your chances of success go waaayyy up.  That means 1) don't overdo it.  2) Run your 4x per week.  For Everyone - it is OKAY to walk - at any time.  If you are a Run/Walker, then you MUST alternate walking.  You will simply build/shift to more running as you go along.

Specific Training Notes for Week 3

  • Run/Walkers – Continue with very easy Intervals at same as last week - the A group is doing 4/1 and the B Group is doing a 4/6 interval.  Keep your walks “Brisk” and your runs “Very Easy Jog”. Nothing new, just more Time on your feet!
  • Intermediate Runners – Base building!  Plan on easy, steady run for the scheduled distance.  Do not over do it! Remember, SLOW DOWN.  You are likely running too fast and if you’re new to long distance running, this will catch up to you in a few weeks.   
  • PR Chasers Runners – Plan on picking things up a bit this week with some 10k intervals tomorrow and Hill Repeats on your own if you can get to some inclines.  Coach Wayne will review with you tomorrow.
  • SD Half Marathon Group - You are building up to your LONGEST run of the training so getting close to peaking with 3 weeks to go.  Keep mid-week runs solid and strong and the long runs steady as you go.

Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

Below are the run maps* and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.

Tuesday @ 6:15 pm - De Anza Cove, Mission Bay

Saturday 7:15am @ Liberty Station 

  • Meet: Liberty Station: 2753 Cushing Rd San Diego CA 92106 CLICK 
  • Map: CLICK
  • Map SD Half: CLICK

    NOTE: Please note that when I send Map Links, the runs MAY contain mileage further than your prescribed run.  This is so I can use one map for many different mileages.  Please refer to your training schedule for the correct mileage.

    As Always

    We'll usually arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, whatever.  We also plan to stay afterward for as long as it takes to do the same.  This means I'll be at Tuesday runs around 5:45 PM and the Saturday runs at 7:15 AM.

    As always, please let us know if you have questions.

    See you tomorrow!

    Coach Aaron

    Detailed Meeting Locations

    This is where we will meet on Tuesday and Saturday. Don’t get lost :)

    De Anza Cove/Mission Bay

    2750 De Anza Rd, San Diego, CA 92109

    Go all the way to end of N. Mission Bay Drive (towards the golf course / mobile home park), turn left onto De Anza Road (towards cul-de-sac) turn left into parking lot.  We'll be in SE corner, near pavilion across from bathrooms, but along the parking lot.  http://bit.ly/tGLDPn

    Liberty Station (NTC)

    2670 Cushing Road, San Diego, CA, 92106

    At the corner of Dewey Road and Cushing Road.  Huge grass park area, with multiple parking lots all around.  We’ll meet in the grass area near the actual park parking lot.  There are restrooms and water fountains at this lot.


    *NOTE  – between 11/1 and 3/31 the restroom at this parking lot is closed for the winter. There is a restroom at the other end of the Park just under a 1/4 mile away (you can easily walk/jog from our lot) and there is also a restroom at Fanuel Park which is about 1 mile into the run.  Keep this in mind if you find yourself having to go to the restroom as you near the parking area before the run.