Spring 2022 - Week 18 (Sat)


    Saturday @ 7:15 am - To La Jolla Cove (from South Mission)

    Starting at the end of Mission Beach (South Mission Jetty) run North along the coast all the way into La Jolla until your halfway point.  Turnaround and run home :)


        • Saturday 5/28/22 @ 7:15pm - Holiday Party in June @ Trailer Park After Dark
        • Friday 6/3/22 @ 6:15pm Pasta Party and Black Flag RC Awards Ceremony
        • Sunday 6/4/22 @ 5:45am Rock N Roll Group Picture
        • Sunday 6/4/22 @ 7:30am Cheer Station Corner of B St & 11th Ave
        • Sunday 6/4/22 Ballast Point Brewing Little Italy




        Hi Team, 

        We have a recovery run scheduled for this Saturday which basically means we are taking down the milage we typically run on the weekend and giving our bodies the opportunity to rest a little and recover from all the miles we typically are asking it. This is a really important aspect of the training program as without these recovery runs built-in we see a high level of injuries and general burn out. Take full advantage of this is as we make our way through the last few week of the program and many of use prepare for the full marathon.




        BIG Congratulations to the winners of the Scavenger Hunt


        • We are in Week 18, so plan your runs based on the training schedules. Compared to  last week, we’re down in mileage this week.  Everyone’s weekly mileage should be overall lower for the entire week.

          • R/W Half/Full – Stay the same at 1/9 or 1/14.  Long run is up to 120-180 min this weekend.
          • Intermediate Half –   LR is Easy 10.
          • Intermediate Full –  LR is Easy 16
          • Advanced Full –  LR is Easy14 +4 @LT

        Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

        Below are the run maps* and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.

          Saturday @ 7:15am - South Mission)

          Starting at the end of Mission Beach (South Mission Jetty) run North along the coast all the way into La Jolla until your halfway point.  Turnaround and run home :)

                As Always

                Please let us know if you have questions.

                See ya out there!


                Coach Aaron

                Detailed Meeting Locations

                This is where we will meet on Tuesday and/or Saturday. Don’t get lost :)


                Mission Beach

                999 N. Jetty Rd, San Diego, CA 92109

                Go to S. end of Mission Blvd, turn right (West) into parking lot.  We'll be along the grassy park area, in front of the volleyball courts on the East end of the parking lot, not quite to the bathrooms, but about 1/2 way down.  http://bit.ly/tiWENM