Spring 2022 - Week 1 (Tue)


Tuesday 6:15pm  @ De Anza Cove

Saturday 7:15am @ Liberty Station 

  • Meet: Liberty Station: 2753 Cushing Rd San Diego CA 92106 CLICK 
  • Map: CLICK

Articles:   Click     New Runners Article 

Schedule: Click   


Important videos to watch:


Welcome!  We're off and running with a new Spring season. This is the fisrt weekly post of the new 2022 Spring. There is still a lot of weird elements we will need to navigate in this post Covid - 19 environment but hoping in the next 30 days things will starting to feel a little more normal.  

 We also want to welcome the new members who have joined us. There is a lot of new things in the club and a lot of information so please take a moment and review everything and watch all the videos. They include all the information you need about the club.

Run/Walk Program and 5K & 10K Program Notes

Before your first run you will want to watch these two videos and make sure you download the Run Keeper App. Understanding the foundational elements of your program will be very important and to stay on top of your program this information is very important.  

Get Connected

Stay on top of what your fellow runners are up to and join the following social media links or download the apps as we will reference these often

Black Flag Running Club – Facebook page (like and follow)

Black Flag Running Club – Facebook group (join and follow)

  Instagram  @blackflagrunningclub

  Twitter @blackflagrc

 YouTube- Black Flag Running Club Channel 

 Strava – Black Flag Running Club (join the group) (log in > Explore > Run Club)

  Run Keeper – CLICK (download / Required for the run-walk group)  

    Training Schedules & Calendar

    Under the schedule link above you will find the running schedule for the season. You will always want to keep an eye on the schedule, in the event we make updates you will always find the details there.  This is the schedule that tells you exactly what to do, or not to do, every day for the entire season. The Group Run schedule is also forthcoming. 

    Taking Sign-Ups

    Spread the word . . . we will be taking registrations and signups for the next two weeks.

    This Week’s Training

    We are off and running in Week 1, so plan your runs based on the training log.  The training program (that you’ll receive soon) calls for 4-5 days per week, so don't feel obliged to get a "Great workout" on the first and every run.  It is the long haul that counts!  You will hear us say this over and over.

    For Beginner and Intermediate Runners JUST STARTING OUT, we are in our "Building Phase" for the first 6-8 weeks.  This is the time it takes for your body and “systems” to get up to speed with long distance running.  You’ll hear me say it often, but if you can make it through the first 8 weeks, your chances of success go waaayyy up.   Consider it boot camp!  Even more, beginners & Entry level intermediate runners (those of you who haven’t been running lately or ever) - The first 2-4 weeks shall be VERY EASY to slowly ramp into it.

    For Beginner and Intermediate Runners CONTINUING from our Winter Program (or who have otherwise been training for the last few months) take these next few weeks to “RESET” .  You will have already received my “Recovery” email to cover the next 2 weeks so follow that.  Generally speaking, you won’t have to totally go back to square one, but it is smart to take a few weeks to rest and recover.

    For everyone:

    • 5K & 10K - This program is very similar to that of the Run/Walk program but we will be focusing on the lower overall distance and increasing the level of intensity starting with a low impact walk and slowly increase over time. Review the Runkeeper app below as you will want to set up for 3/2 or 2/8 for a total of 20min. at an easy walk pace for and then up to a moderate walk pace.  For example in the 3/2 interval, you will walk casually for 3 min and then pick up the pace of your walk to a moderate walk for 2 min. You will repeat this for a total of 20 min or 6 times. Use the run keeper app to keep you on track.   
    • Run/Walkers – This week will be sort of a test, to determine which Interval Group you will be in, A or B.  The A Group will be on a 3/2 interval (It’s actually Walk/Run during the runs) with the B group on a 2/8.  The idea is for you to go out and test the different intervals. Use the run keeper app to keep you on track. 
    • For NEWER Runners - As we (quickly) reviewed on Saturday, the first 6-8 weeks are THE MOST IMPORTANT for your training as we are BUILDING A BASE.  This is the period when you make gains Physically, Mentally and Physiologically!  For newer runners, make it to week 8, and you're golden!!  Remember . . . GRADUALITY!!!  CONSISTENCY!!!  That means 1) don't overdo it.  2) Run your 4x per week.  For Everyone - it is OKAY to walk - at any time.  If you are a Run/Walker, then you MUST alternate walking.  

      Runkeeper CLICK

      Click on image to see how to setup runkeeper:

    • Intermediate Runners – Nothing special here, just go out and run ;)  Well, not that simple.  REGARDLESS . .  SLOW DOWN.  You are likely running too fast and if you’re new to long distance running, this will catch up to you in a few weeks.  One more thing – it is okay to take an occasional walk break here and there.  Maybe 1min worth at the turnaround?  Or 30sec on 10min intervals.   
    • PR Chasers – Remember, this doesn’t mean you’re simply fast*.  It just means you have a good base and are ready to run out the gate.  This week is simply full of easy but solid runs.  

    *For those of you “seasoned” already and coming off of some recent races, you will simply pick up with the training program and keep your runs solid and strong (but easy when it calls for it ;)  If this pertains to you, then the Advance schedule may be the one to follow.  

    FOR EVERYONE – After our group chat tomorrow night, we'll be breaking off into our Individual Groups, just listen for the announcements.  Each Coach will review in general the overall approach.  We will do the same on Saturday.

    Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

    Below are the run maps* and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this email are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.


    Tuesday 6:15pm  @ De Anza Cove

    Saturday 7:15am @ Liberty Station 

    • Meet: Liberty Station: 2753 Cushing Rd San Diego CA 92106 CLICK 
    • Map: CLICK

    As Always

    We'll usually arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, whatever.  We also plan to stay afterwards for as long as it takes to do the same.  This means I'll be at Tuesday runs around 6:00 PM and the Saturday runs at 7:00 AM.

    As always, please let us know if you have questions.

    See ya out there!


    Coach Aaron


    Detailed Meeting Locations

    De Anza Cove/Mission Bay

    2750 De Anza Rd, San Diego, CA 92109

    Go all the way to end of N. Mission Bay Drive (towards the golf course / mobile home park), turn left onto De Anza Road (towards cul-de-sac) turn left into parking lot.  We'll be in SE corner, near pavilion across from bathrooms, but along the parking lot.  http://bit.ly/tGLDPn

    Liberty Station (NTC)

    2670 Cushing Road, San Diego, CA, 92106

    At the corner of Dewey Road and Cushing Road.  Huge grass park area, with multiple parking lots all around.  We’ll meet in the grass area near the actual park parking lot.  There are restrooms and water fountains at this lot.
