Spring 2019 - Week 8 (3/16/2019)


NEW LOCATION  Saturday @ 7:15am - Torrey Pines Gliderport

This is a new location for us and looking forward to getting your feedback. In preparation for La Jolla Half, we will be taking on the Torey Pines Hill. It's going to be a hard run but super rewarding.  

  • Meet: Gliderport La Jolla 2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr La Jolla CA 92037 - https://tinyurl.com/yag8yfje
  • Map: Route 
  • Notes: Because we have never done a Saturday morning run at this location before things like water and bathrooms are kind of a wild card. I will bring an extra cool for water and know the bathrooms will be open by the time you return but it's unclear on what will be open in the morning when we start the run. Please try and be flexible, we try to switch up the run location to keep them exciting and fresh. It will be an adventure either way. 

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 One last big congratulation to everyone that did the SD Half. It's so great to see everyone doing so well with the program.

Now we focus our attention on the next big race the La Jolla Half Marathon and with that, we start to introduce hill training. Adding a few hills into your training will make the world of difference no matter what race you are training for. There is no replacement for running on an incline. This is also a new run location for us so it should be a lot of fun. See you out there. 

Congratulations SD Halfers

We want to congratulate everyone that did the SD Half this weekend. The weather was ideal for racing and can't wait to hear more about everyone's experience. I know we had a few courses PRs which is always fun to see.

Wear your shirts on our runs

We want to encourage our runners to wear the team shirt at all of our Saturday runs and Big Races. It helps us identify who you are and cheer you on along the course. Black Flag is still building a name for itself and we could use your support.  

This Week’s Training

We are off and running in Week 8 overall.  This is the 3rd Week of the Second Training Cycle.  We have a solid week for everyone. Saturday will end with the longest of this season so far, and longest for many of you to date.  

Specific Training Notes for Week 8

Run/Walkers – Interval groups stay at 2/3 or 2/8 Full marathoner’s mid-week runs are slightly longer by 10min each.     

Intermediate HALF – Continue Base building! No change from last week. All mid-week runs in the 5mi range. All runs are still EASY (Novice) to Steady State (Intermediate)

Intermediate FULL – No Change overall.  All runs are still EASY (Novice)to Steady State (Intermediate)

PR Chasers FULL - Tuesday will introduce a little speed work this week. Fun Stuff!!

Upcoming Group Runs & Clinics

Below are the run maps and the group run locations.  At the very bottom of this post are detailed instructions on the meeting locations.

NEW LOCATION  Saturday @ 7:15am - Torrey Pines Gliderport

As Always

We will arrive 15-20 minutes before each group run to make ourselves available for questions, tips, etc..  We also plan to stay afterward for as long as it takes to do the same.  This means I'll be at Tuesday runs by 6 PM and the Saturday runs by 7 AM.

As always, please let us know if you have questions.

See you tomorrow!

Coach Aaron

Detailed Meeting Locations

This is where we will meet on Tuesday and/or Saturday. Don’t get lost :) 

Torrey Pines Gliderport

2800 Torrey Pines Scenic Dr, La Jolla CA 92037

The Gliderport is a dirt lot overlooks Blacks Beach. Once you enter the parking lot you can go immediately to the left or go straight. Continue going straight about 100 feet and we will meet on the lefthand side in the clearing area. You can park anywhere in the dirt lot. The bathrooms on site are porto-potties so officially there are facilities but they are not great. You will also want to bring water with you as I am not sure about water fountains. https://tinyurl.com/yag8yfje