February Social Event

February Social Event


Saturday 2/16/2019 @ 7:15pm

The Black Flag Running Club is getting a reputation for having awesome social events. We are back at it again on Saturday, February 16 2019 for a "Pants off dance off party". This is the plan: we are going to meet at Soda & Swine on the corner of 30th & Adams for dinner at 7:15 pm and then head over to Air Condition Lounge for some dancing at 8:30 pm.  Air Condition Lounge does have a $5 cover at 9pm so we are going to try and get there before that. The two locations are across the street from one another to make things easy. This is an open event so feel free to invite out friends to come out. It is always fun to meet new people.  


7:15pm @ Soda & Swine 
2943 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116
  • Dinner & drinks 
8:30pm @ Air Condition Lounge 
4673 30th St
San Diego, CA 92116
  • Dancing and get your party on