10k Time Trial, What to Expect


As previously announced, it’s time for our Week 4 10k Fun Run Time Trial. This is a good time to gauge where we are at and a good time to see how our training will be formed for the next 8-9/12-13 weeks.  

How it will Work - Bib Numbers & Wave Starts

We will be TIMING this race, and we will have real race Bibs/Numbers.  Results will be posted on the Facebook group, don't worry your name will not be listed.  You will get a Bib and it Does NOT Matter what number you are – you will just use it later on to look up your results.   We will start in 2 different waves exactly 30sec apart. We will have bibs available in these different Wave Starts:


  • Wave 1, Sub 10:00min Pace 
  • Wave 2, 10:01+ Pace 


Unlike regular races, IT IS VITAL THAT YOU START IN THE WAVE ACCORDING TO YOUR BIB. (The Bib Numbers are pre-loaded into the timing system and assigned to a specific Wave Start.)  If you do not, your race finish time will be skewed.  (For those experienced racers wondering WTF, it’s due to the timing system and the fact that we will not be assigning bib numbers to specific runners AND because we’re doing the wave start AND we don’t have the knowledge of what racers will be in what Wave.  We’d rather let you start with and when you want to.

Online Results

The race is loaded online and the results will be posted on our facbook account and in a follow-up post on monday. You can see the facebook group you can search for Black Flag Running Club Group. 

Please Arrive 5min Early

Because you will need to get your bib and pin it on, please arrive 5min early.  I will have a table setup with the Bib’s laid out and pins available to pin it on your shirt.  Use only 2 pins.  Pin it on the front so we can see you coming in.

How Should it be Run?

The 10k fun run should be run “Comfortably Hard” . . and for noobies, this means you’ll be nearing your Lactate Threshold (LT) pace (and hopefully not over).  You’ll want to run at a good clip, but not super-fast or not a sprint.  If you try, I’ll likely fatigue before you finish then really hit the suck factor!  For many, it will be hard to find that fine line between pushing it nicely and running too fast – but that’s also the point – to learn where this LT pace is.

Interval Run/Walk Group

You should still set out to do the planned 10k run.  Stick with your recommended intervals, but don’t be afraid to push your “running” and “walking” portions a little bit harder than normal.   If you are feeling adventurous, push your intervals out some more, to do some more running and less walking – you WILL surprise yourself.  Just do not get hurt . . .see below.

If you Cannot Make The Group Run

Then plan on a 10k run on your own, and wear a watch or set your phone’s stopwatch to time yourself.  Don’t get hung up on the time or the exact distance.  Just plan on getting a bit more than 6 miles.  10k is equal to 6.2 miles.  Our Crown Point to MB Drive and Back run is 6.2mmiles = Sail Bay to MB Drive from Crown Point (Out & Back), 6.2mi - http://bit.ly/jw1pBK                Or, you can map one out yourself using www.mapmyrun.com

Do NOT Run If . . .

Don’t run this very hard if you are sick, injured or otherwise not relatively healthy and in a good state of body and mind.  Most of us should be okay – usual aches and pains don’t count here, as many of us are experiencing them by now.  Similarly, if you're sick or just getting off a sickness, then it may be wise to stay away.  Alternative?  Do a regular, EZ/Slow run of 5-7 miles, even with us as a group!!

 At the end of the day, this is a TRAINING RUN!  Don’t kill yourself, risk getting injured or otherwise. Our primary goal is still 8-9 weeks away, not tomorrow.