Congratulations to everyone who came out for the"10k Time Trial Run". It was a great turnout, and a fun little “mini-race”. Remember, instead of a “recovery week”, we do this time trial to do the following:
- Gauge where your current running ability is.
- Set base paces for different types workouts (See below). We'll also divide up the runner into more distinct groups.
- Predict what a feasible "goal" race time may be (though, this is highly "dependable" on many things)
What to Do With Your Results?
Visit the below website and scroll down to the “Running Calculator” section, select the 10K race, and enter in your time in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. Be sure to watch the video at the top of the page to get a good idea of what to do with the results.
Check out the Goal Race Paces and estimated times. But more importantly, you’ll want to check out the Training Paces section. :
- “Endurance Paces” Long & Easy Runs (Endurance Workouts – the most common, and important)
- “Stamina Paces” Lactate Threshold Workouts (Tempo Runs & Tempo Intervals)
- “Speed Paces” for Long Distance Runners (For our Track Workouts)
Do we really run that Slow?
YES!!! These numbers are not fudged in any way, and McMillian Training is ranked as a highly respected and knowledgeable coach. We can’t stress enough that it’s more about VOLUME and TOYF than speed, intensity or specialty runs. The newer the runner (and I’m talking years) the more important slow, easy runs are.
Interval Run/Walk Group
Your numbers will be a bit off since there is prescribed walking involved. You can still use the results to gauge different paces, but since your goal will ALWAYS be time and Easy Runs, worrying about “Tempo Interval” paces is at the bottom of your worry scale.
Walking or Stop Breaks?
For those who had to stop for traffic, or took a little detour or otherwise, feel free to fudge the numbers accordingly. DO NOT FUDGE NUMBERS IF YOU WALKED FOR ANY REASON - that helps measure your current endurance level. The run should have been at a SOLID pace, without killing yourself. If you did go out too fast, causing your time to be faster than expected, Yay for you, but it also means your training will be harder (faster) for the next 9 weeks . . . still cheering? Remember, it's the long haul that counts. We'll talk more about all of this on Tuesday.
What’s Next?
I highly recommend printing out the results and keep them with you. Study them and get an idea of what goal paces are to be. Again, the Easy runs are going to be a lot slower than you think. We will use these results to better assist breaking up into training groups during the runs, etc. You’ll also use them when we do get into specialty runs such as Tempo Intervals and the like.
At the same time, do not get hung up on the results. Calculating what a finish time is from a 10k to a Full marathon, especially for newer runners, is a highly variable task. We’ve seen them spot on, and we’ve also seen them up to 25% off. But for the fun and guidance of seeing some numbers, it’s a rewarding exercise.
For those who want to study up more on some of the training aspects, here is some great reading:
Be sure to look over the links on the sidebar after you calculate out time. They can project your finishing time for all major race distances, give you mile splits for full and half marathons and for the super ambitious people, there is a link that will tell you how realistic qualifying for Bostin is.
We’re looking forward to seeing your training through!!